Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How duh

INT. PUPPY and BUNNY are watching television after a heavy dinner of shepherd's pie and roasted garlic toast. A mandarin speaking commercial comes on during the break


我不会 华语(wo bu hui jiang hua yu)

I don't speak Mandarin


..... 不会是好的(bu hui jiang shi hao de)

Not knowing how to is not a bad thing


好的好的… (hao de... hao de) How duh are you??? :P

Friday, December 3, 2010

The white man in me


I'm thinking of what to have for dinner tonight...


Well, I've only got baby bok choy and a very questionable Chinese cabbage in the crisper... do you want to eat out?


Yeah, I think so... the last few days has been too Asian... the white man in me needs some sandwich or steak or something

